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Pauli Murphy

The Law of Attraction in Action:
“What you focus upon gets bigger”- Very simply, the Universe will always bring you more of what you give your attention to. Focus on...

Self Esteem
I have come to understand, from listening to the teachings of the "genuine channels", that there were, literally, millions of Souls who...

Life and "Death"
As was previously mentioned, when you "transition" (die) from this physical life, your Soul leaves your physical body, rather like taking...

Laws of The Universe(s)
To expand further on these Laws, if you can find the time (!) read on, for Pauli's "take":- 1} You Exist Not much you can do about that !...

The Universe(s)
Bashar ( ) channeled by Darryl Anka these last 30-odd years, answered the question, "Is there more than one Universe ?",...

The Source
You are Source ! We all are, by being a "Spark" or integral part of Source. More on that, later... First of all, WHAT is Source ? Let's...

Scientists are now having to agree that it has been proved that matter doesn't actually exist, per se ! It turns out that there are...

I feel most strongly that I wish, above all else, to be able to lead people to discover for themselves Who they are, Where they came...

In 2004, I was invited to explore "channeling", which I, at first, presumed was a load of bull***t ! The first example of this was at...

Your Soul (more on that later, unless you choose to quit !) never "looks back". It's fine for us to look back upon pleasant memories,...

Open Minds
From now on, - that is until you might say to yourself, "What a load of crap !" and quit the website - I would ask you to maintain an...

The Law of Attraction and its effects
You may be aware, or you soon will be as you rub up against it, that many of the "young" these days are very much aware of the "Law of...
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